Solstice, Water Element & Evergreen Energy

Posted by Emma Leafe on

As we move towards the furthest distance from the Sun in the Northern hemisphere, we are shrouded in the unknown darkness. This is a special time in Nature, when everything that once flourished is deep in the magical process of transformation. What once appeared as blossom, leaf and fruit, now provides nourishing fertiliser for the soil.

The Underworld, a place where the roots and seeds of creation are stored. Winter, a time to deeply digest what has come to be - and yet is no longer. The unknown lay before us in the darkness, a time when we have space to dream a new.

The Endless Creative Force : Ouroboros

We are always in an eternal cycle of new and transforming energies. This is the design of our Universe. The ancient symbol of the Ouroboros - and dragon serpent eating its own tail. Although things may appear again, it is never the same. Everything is always evolving in an endless creative, dreaming force.

Deep Rest ~ Flow ~ Cosmic Spiral

Although this season is characterised by extravagant feasting and festivities, Winter Solstice is really a time of slowing down. Amongst the hedonism it's worthwhile to make space for deep rest, for dreaming. Being with your emotions cold turkey, to fully feel and digest the processes you are moving through. This is a natural way of healing, the spiral of the cosmos: to feel deeply, to rest and release what is no longer needed. 

The Water Element and Evergreen Energy 

cypress trees evergreen energy for winter

Winter is characterised by the Water element by the ancient Chinese. Winter brings the life giving rains that nourish the seeds, deep in the earth. Water flows in the direction of least resistance. Harness this energy should there be any blockages in your path. Learn from the master element Water, to artfully flow around obstacles and continue. 

Trees known as Evergreen, are some of the oldest species to inhabit our planet. Their inner technology is that of regeneration. Evergreens conserve water throughout the year, resulting in their special needle shaped leaves with a waxy coating, staying attached and green all year round. 

Evergreens are a symbol for Christmas and for the process of grief - actualised in Nature by the Autumn/ Winter/ Spring phase. Having the essence of evergreen around you at this time, can catalyse your internal process. The purifying scent can uplift you and your spaces. To share its strength in balancing deep emotions. 

Traditional Medicinal Applications

Cypress leaves are known to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties and are often used for respiratory, circulatory, and muscular conditions. For air purification cypress can be burned as a cleansing incense, especially during cold and flu season.

Water Element Set 

This special natural incense gift set is designed to support you during this phase. Offering Bathing Rituals of organic Japanese Hinoki Cypress, Dead Sea Salts, along with energising scents of pure cypress incense. A Black Obsidian mushroom massager, will help ease away tensions in the hot steamy tub. 

water element natural incense set chinese medicine
hinoki, hiba wood, yuzu natural oil
point lobos pure cypress incense sticks for purification
onsen atmosphere mist, pure natural organic hiba, hinoki and yuzu oils for purofication and bathing rituals

Solstice Blessings - sending the energy of uplifting evergreen to all




- Cypress image by Wyxina Tresse

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