Posted by Emma Leafe on

Discover the Purest Sacred Herbs from Around the World for Spiritual and Therapeutic Purposes

smudging with sacred smokes, palo santo sticks
 How to Smudge Someone 

Begin your blessing for another being by connecting with their eyes for a moment to greet them 


    Begin your energy purification by fanning the fragrant smoke first at their heart centre, then up the right side of the person's head, moving around clockwise, whilst gently washing them with the smoke


      Continue down their shoulder, arm, under the arm, down the left side of the torso, left leg and foot 


        Now smudge the right foot and up the other side, following the same line as before 


          It's helpful to hold the intension, or softly say to release into the smoke any stuck energy, anything that no longer serves and any negativity


          Now turn the person around and in a clockwise motion again repeat these movements as you smudge and bless the person's back 


          This can also be beneficial to uplift, clear energy around objects too  


          medicine wheel, smudging set, sacred herbs: palo santo, blue sage, sweet grass, sage

          Medicine Wheel Smudging Set


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